Internal Network Pentest

Internal Network Penetration Testing is a critical security practice aimed at identifying and addressing vulnerabilities within an organization’s internal network. It simulates an attack from within the organization, representing an attack by a malicious insider or an external attacker who has breached the perimeter defenses.

Why Companies Need Internal Network Penetration Testing:

Identifying Internal Vulnerabilities Internal networks can have vulnerabilities such as misconfigurations, unpatched software, or insecure protocols, even within the safety of a firewall.

Mitigating Insider Threats Internal testing helps in understanding the potential damage a malicious insider could cause, securing both external and internal threats.

Compliance with Regulations Regular internal network assessments are required by various compliance standards to ensure adherence to industry security standards.

Securing Sensitive Data Internal networks often house sensitive data like employee information, proprietary data, and customer records, necessitating rigorous penetration testing.

Network Segmentation and Access Controls Testing helps validate the effectiveness of network segmentation and access controls, ensuring proper functioning to limit and control access within the network.

Methodologies Used by Cerebral Security for Internal Network Penetration Testing:

  • SANS Top 20
  • NIST
  • ISO/IEC 27001

SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls

For Internal Network Penetration Testing, the SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls are utilized to identify and mitigate risks within internal networks. These controls focus on aspects like access control, data protection, and security training, which are essential for securing internal networks against insider threats and potential breaches.

OSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual)

The OSTMM is applied to rigorously test the operational security of internal networks. It provides a thorough framework for assessing the security of internal network components, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data against internal risks and vulnerabilities.

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Guidelines

NIST guidelines are employed to offer a comprehensive approach to managing internal network security risks. This includes strategies for identifying vulnerabilities, implementing security controls, and maintaining ongoing risk assessments.

PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)

In environments where payment card data is processed or stored internally, PCI-DSS standards are crucial. These standards guide the testing process to ensure the secure handling of cardholder information within the internal network.

ISO/IEC 27001

This standard is integral for establishing and improving the information security management system within the internal network, providing a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information so that it remains secure.

Our Unique Approach to Internal Network Penetration Testing

Security is not about just following a checklist!

At Cerebral Security, we understand that every internal network has its own unique architecture, threat landscape, and security challenges. Our approach to Internal Network Penetration Testing is customized to your specific environment. We consider various factors such as the complexity of network infrastructure, different levels of access privileges, the nature of data stored and processed, and the potential internal threats.

We simulate realistic attack scenarios based on the specific threat model of your internal network. This involves creating test cases that mimic the actions of both malicious insiders and external attackers who have gained access to the internal network. Our goal is to uncover vulnerabilities that could be exploited in real-world situations, providing you with actionable insights to strengthen your network security.

Contact us now to learn more about our approach to Internal Network Penetration Testing and how we can help secure your internal network.

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